Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire Parent Report Measure for Children aged 4-10 Follow Up version (SDQ-PC2 4-10 FU)

This service is only available within South Australia. Check our services page for specific locations. Or contact Head to Health directly on 1800 595 212 or visit website for alternative services in their area.

For each item, please mark the box for Not true, Somewhat True or Certainly True. It would help us if you answered all items as best you can even if you are not absolutely certain. Please give your answers on the basis of your child’s behaviour over the last month.

Not TrueSomewhat TrueCertainly True
Considerate of other people's feelings
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Restless, overactive, cannot stay still for long
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Often complains of headaches, stomach-aches or sickness
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Shares readily with other children, for example toys, treats, pencils
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Often loses temper
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Rather solitary, prefers to play alone
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Generally well behaved, usually does what adults request
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Many worries or often seems worried
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Helpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Constantly fidgeting or squirming
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Has at least one good friend
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Often fights with other children or bullies them
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Often unhappy, depressed or tearful
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Generally liked by other children
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Easily distracted, concentration wanders
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Nervous or clingy in new situations, easily loses confidence
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Kind to younger children
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Often lies or cheats
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Picked on or bullied by other children
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Often volunteers to help others (parents, teachers, other children)
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Thinks things out before acting
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Steals from home, school or elsewhere
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Gets along better with adults than with other children
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Many fears, easily scared
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Good attention span, sees chores or homework through to the end
Not True
Somewhat True
Certainly True
Much worseA bit worseAbout the sameA bit betterMuch better
Since coming to the service, are your child’s problems:
Much worse
A bit worse
About the same
A bit better
Much better
Not at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal
Has coming to the service been helpful in other ways, e.g. providing information or making the problems more bearable?
Not at all
Only a little
Quite a lot
A great deal
NoYes, minor difficultiesYes, definite difficultiesYes, severe difficulties
Over the last month, has your child had difficulties in one or more of the following areas: emotions, concentration, behaviour or being able to get on with other people?
Yes, minor difficulties
Yes, definite difficulties
Yes, severe difficulties
Not at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal
Do the difficulties upset or distress your child?
Not at all
Only a little
Quite a lot
A great deal
Not at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal
Home Life
Not at all
Only a little
Quite a lot
A great deal
Not at all
Only a little
Quite a lot
A great deal
Classroom Learning
Not at all
Only a little
Quite a lot
A great deal
Leisure Activities
Not at all
Only a little
Quite a lot
A great deal
Do the difficulties put a burden on you or the family as a whole?
Not at all
Only a little
Quite a lot
A great deal