Do you have questions?
Please check below for common questions and answers that may help you to further understand our services
Due to the high demand for our services, there may be a waiting period before you will be offered an appointment. How long you will have to wait for your first appointment will vary depending on the service and location.
In some instances you may be offered a telehealth appointment, which are often available sooner than face-to-face appointments.
If a telehealth appointment is not suitable, please advise of this at the time of your booking.
If you feel you are getting worse during your waiting period, please contact your GP as soon as possible, or present to your hospital.
At your first appointment your clinician will ask you questions about you, your health (medical history) and your goals.
Depending on the reason for your referral, the clinician may also complete some assessments; (e.g. Podiatrist will assess your feet, Diabetes Nurse will assess your blood sugar levels, Respiratory Nurse will assess your lungs and breathing).
This will help them to answer your questions and to support you in achieving positive health outcomes.
Please ensure young children in your care are supervised in your visit.
As clients, carers, family members or visitors of Country & Outback Health you have the right to:
• Access our services
• Receive high quality health care within an environment that you feel safe
• Be treated with respect and dignity regardless of culture, religion, beliefs, values, sexuality, age, gender or ability
• Receive clear, helpful communication regarding your health care in a way that you understand
• Actively participate in decisions about your care
by speaking with your health care worker and having your questions answered
• Ensure that your personal and medical information is kept secure, maintaining your privacy and confidentiality
• Comment on your care, what’s going well and what’s not working for you
As clients, carers, family members or visitors of Country & Outback Health it is your responsibility to:
• Be courteous when accessing our services, be on time or let us know if you can’t make it
• Tell us about your medical history, any medication you take or allergies you may have, to help us to keep you safe
• Respect our staff, our clients and our culture
• Advise us if you are feeling unwell and make alternative arrangements for your appointment
• Keep up the communication, be open and honest with us and ask as many questions as you need
• Be involved, actively participate in the decisions that are made around your care
• Be aware of others; respect their privacy and confidentiality
• Comment on your care, tell us what we did well and what you think may need to change
If you are unable to attend an appointment, please provide us two business days notice so that your appointment may be offered to another client.
CObH has a non-attendance policy relating to missing appointments without notice, which varies between services, and will be discussed at your first appointment.
If you are feeling unwell, please contact us to request a telehealth (telephone or video conference) appointment to replace your face-to-face appointment, or to arrange an alternative time and date for a face-to-face meeting.
For clients accessing government funded services, these services will require your referrer to provide some information to us and other health professionals involved in your care to ensure that you are referred to the service that best suits your needs. Your consent is required for this to occur.
Services delivered by Country & Outback Health that are funded through the Country SA PHN undergo regular review and evaluation by the Department of Health Aged Care which are aimed at informing ongoing service improvements. To enable these reviews Country SA PHN, provides data about services and clients to the Department of Health Aged Care. Some of the data provided to the Department of Health Aged Care includes personal information such as date of birth and gender. The information provided does not include your name, address or Medicare number. Your personal information will only be provided by Country SA PHN to the Department of Health and Aged Care and state and territory health departments/agencies if you give your consent.
The Department of Health and Aged Care and state and territory health departments also uses data collected by Country SA PHN to facilitate data linkage and produce statistical and evaluation reports, which are based on summary statistics for our region. These statistical reports contain only combined information from many clients and will not identify any individual. Your consent is not required for the Department of Health and Aged Care and state and territory health departments to include your data in these summary statistics.
Country & Outback Health and the Country SA PHN are committed to providing you with the highest level of service and confidentiality, and this includes protecting your privacy. We bound by the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 and the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000, which outlines the principles concerning the protection of your personal information.
Country & Outback Health is committed to maintaining a high standard of care and we welcome you to provide all feedback, both positive and negative on any part of our service or your interaction with our staff.
You, a family member, friend or anyone else can provide feedback via;
• Our online health service evaluation form, which can be accessed by scanning the QR code supplied by your worker at the time of your appointment.
• Telephone: (08) 8643 5600
• Email: admin@cobh.org.au
• In person at any of our regional offices (locations can be found at: www.cobh.com.au)
• In writing:
Country & Outback Health
PO Box 18
Port Augusta
SA 5700
How can I provide feedback on my care?
Country & Outback Health is committed to maintaining a high standard of care and we welcome you to provide all feedback, both positive and negative on any part of our service or your interaction with our staff.
You, a family member, friend or anyone else can provide feedback via;
• Our online health service evaluation form, which can be accessed by scanning the QR code supplied by your worker at the time of your appointment.
• Telephone: (08) 8644 4900
• Email: admin@cobh.org.au
• In person at any of our regional offices (locations can be found at: www.cobh.com.au/contact-us)
• In writing:
Country & Outback Health
PO Box 2029
Whyalla Norrie
SA 5608
What if I want to make a complaint?
You can use any of our feedback methods (above) to make a complaint, or via our online complaint form:
Scan QR Code or click HERE to complete our online complaint form.
The information that you provide will be handled confidentially and we will do our very best to investigate the complaint appropriately, fairly and within a timely manner.
Please understand that some complaints may take time to resolve but we will keep you updated.
If you make a complaint anonymously, please be aware that this can make it more difficult to investigate and we will not be able to inform you of the outcome.
If you would rather not provide your name but would still like to know the outcome you can nominate a friend or family member to manage the complaint for you.
For a copy of our complaints policy please contact one of our regional offices.
You can access a copy of your client record by completing an ‘Access to Client Information Form’, which can be downloaded HERE. Alternatively, you can complete the form online HERE.
Please refer to the Factsheet for more information Access to Client Information Factsheet
Yes, you are welcome to bring a support person into any of your appointments.
If you feel you need help to voice your views or concerns, access information or promote your rights you can ask someone to be your advocate or there are a range of advocacy options available for you or your carer, please contact;
The Office of the Public Advocate
Disability Rights Advocacy Service Inc
www.dras.com.au, or
The Disability Advocacy & Complaints Service
Flinders and Upper North Local Health Network
Phone: (08) 8668 7500
If accessing one of our mental health programs you may be seen by a mental health clinician. Mental health clinicians are highly skilled in understanding human behaviour, thoughts and feelings. They can be a mental health nurse, occupational therapist, psychologist or social worker.
Please note that Country & Outback Health is unable to provide reports for medical or legal purposes, for workers’ compensation, family court or any other legal matters.
Country & Outback Health offices are open from 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday. For all enquiries or information on any of our programs please call one of our regional offices.
If you require an interpreter at your appointment, please contact us a minimum 2 business days prior in order for us to make arrangements. Costs for this service may apply.